椎名林檎 莖 詞/曲:椎名林檎 編曲:齊藤ネコ There's a door here, but it will not break There's a stone there, but it won't remain Up there a heaven now, but it will not wait And the lies there, the scent of it, just too much
So should you, Sow it once and make it grow, the sweet clematis Let it flower, and paint it all of the colors bold Instantly things fall and fade, return to silence Why oh why, why does it all feel so sorrowful? Dreams of what is real
There's a breath here, but it will not break There's a face there, but it won't remain Up there a heaven now, but it knows no name And the stain is the color of red through red
And thus, You cannot cry, confuse the lies, try to remember When you rise, you take you steps with a strong desire Time goes by, a breath it comes, like something given Why oh why, why have these nightmares not long expired The real is but a dream
From now on, Should it grow and open full, the sweet clematis Flower bold, but there's no need for rejoicing more Precious life, this life, just once, it comes just one time Keep it close, keep it from ever just leaving you
Crying tears confusing fears they are no longer When I stand I know I'll never be down again Nothing that I need now, once it comes just one time Somehow, somehow, someone, ah Entry Number One
下午一點了 還有原美術館想在今天看到, 坐車從上野→京浜東北線快速(大船行))→品川 Keihin Tohoku Line(for Ofuna)→Shinagawa 到了品川站,為了找網站上說的免費接駁巴士BloomBus 問了好幾個站務員(結果,到美術館才發現只有在星期天開駛) 最後還是照原本查的資料:巴士「反96」往五反田Gotanda,在御殿山Gotenyama下車,回頭紅綠燈右轉3min. 還問了兩個路人,才在往巷子走了五分鐘後看到大門.這ㄧ帶的住家很寧靜,走路眼睛也忙碌 原美術館的展大多以攝影為主 其中最愛是這個系列 After the Thaw 最後不免俗在這間美術館最有名的庭院裡坐上ㄧ下 也在這用了最令人開心的ㄧ餐
Today is Museum and Park Day! I have a book talked about Tokyo's Design. So today i chose to see the two favorite museum from the book. One is Tokyo Art University Plaza(but not much to see) Another one is Hara Museum and most are photographic exhibition. Then i went to it's famous natural garden and have the most beautiful lunch there.
這次買了西北一個月的促銷機票(14000元),早去晚回 一早獨自到機場後,便開始逛起免稅商店(帶點小禮物給接待我ㄧ晚的沙發客KYOKO).還接到小鐵和老姐的電話關心,很溫暖! 到了成田機場:搭乘京成本線特急(京成上野行)→青砥AOTO→押上Oshiage→浅草Asakusa.只要1,060yen 不過從地鐵淺草線上到地面的街梯就有2層樓左右,如果有大行李建議搭銀座線比較不會像我拖到快休克! 住宿:カオサン東京オリジナル(KHAOSAN TOKYO ORIGINAL)
今天CHECK-IN的HOST是Chieko(智惠子),這裡的人極親切,有問必答,還有免費網路隨時可用.算是我住過最方便的青年旅社了.這天到達已經下午,所以便在附近的淺草雷門寺外的商店大街亂晃. 淺草雷門 驚喜之二:赫赫有名的啤酒商標,就在KHAOSON巷子口外,一抬頭就在眼前啊! 第一晚住的超小間單人房,一進門就只有架高的鐵床! Day 1:from Taipei to Narita,Tokyo It's not my first time to travel alone.But still feel warm when getting the call from my friend and sister in the airport.The flight only took 3 HRs and then i took the cheapest way to the guesthouse i stay for 4 nights in Asakusa-"KHAOSAN TOKYO ORIGINAL".The people here is really nice and speak English.Here also has free internet and map and which is really useful to me a lot.And it's near the fameous sightseeing spot.